This past Saturday, after a rousing visit to the Onassis Center to see the exhibit Worshipping Women: Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens (many urns, most of which were in stunningly good condition considering that they are several thousand years old, in case you were wondering), Robin and I headed up Fifth Avenue, against my better judgment, and, as it turned out, against a massive tide of directionally challenged tourists, to one of my absolute favorite stores, Takashimaya. I'm not sure why, perhaps it is due to the Japanese ownership, but every single object in this store is stunningly beautiful, stylish and unique, and shockingly, not all of them are out of my price range. In fact, quite a few are well within my price range.
Anyway, we wandered somewhat aimlessly in the direction of the Shu Uemura counter (I feel much the same way about Shu Uemura as I do about Takashimaya...I love everything) and were greeted by a lovely, chic woman offering to show us some new colors. I was ready to demur in deference to my sister, who is generally less than enthusiastic about makeup, but to my utter surprise, Robin accepted the invitation with unbridled excitement. Hallelujah! Despite her stunningly blue eyes, my dear beautiful sister insists on using brown eye shadow. Don't ask me why. It was time for a professionally mandated change.
And change she did. The lovely, chic woman introduced Robin to the joys of baby blue (it looked good, I promise) shadow, slate shadow, silvery shadow, and the most beautiful shimmery slate grey eyeliner. And to the joys of scant amounts of mascara (her eyelashes are so ridiculously long that a normal amount of mascara looks a little gratuitous). And she did something amazing to Robin's skin, don't ask me what. But you literally could not see the makeup. So pretty:

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