For the longest time I've had a sort of live and let live attitude towards my tableware. Since I've never really had a table to set, I've never been all that concerned about the dishes that might adorn one. I've been happy to inherit sets of dishes (however witless I find them), supplement them with the odd incredibly cheap find at Fishs Eddy and the odd designer plate that I might pick up at the Barney's Warehouse Sale or what have you.
But lately I seem to be hosting large groups of friends for meals with increasing frequency. It is a delightful development yet I'm finding that the more often I am called on to cobble together more than four place settings, the more frustrated I have become with my options.
But what is it that I'm looking for? I think that unless you have some truly beautiful china (Royal Copenhagen still has my heart) identical place settings can be a bit serious, especially when one doesn't have a table. But I'm not sure that I'm adept enough with that whole aristo-bohemian look to do a truly stylish mish mash. So when I came across Sarah Cihat's collection of plates on the always chic website Horne, it felt as though she had heard my pleas and answered them.

The creative Brooklynite scours the earth (or at least her part of it) for tired porcelain dinnerware and rehabilitates it with cheeky designs and a bit of strategic glazing.
I adore the bright colors and unexpected silhouettes. The plates are standard in size and shape, thus avoiding that whole do it yourself styling nightmare, but individual enough to make for a seriously chic table.
Although admittedly I might be somewhat reluctant to serve someone a meal on the skull and cross bones plate. It seems that it might be interpreted as questionable hospitality?
Very fun stuff, Laura--until you get to the price tag. Wow. I'm wondering if some absolutely plain, modern white plates might allow you to mix it up with serving bowls, platters, tea cups, etcetera of various colors, styles, age and pedigree to liven up the table. Also mix and match flea market flatware. We've started buying some of this when we find it.
love the owl it
i went on an ebay kick a while ago and started a collection of sprigware...with the tiny flowers...most of it came from new england...i love it so much..but it is really more tea party territory...
come to think of it..i have never had a tea party.....
love all kinds of plates too
good to see you today at Farmhouse
I love an interesting plate and those are very fun. My favourite plates are a set of vintage pale yellow Johnson Brothers called Cloud. They are not quite perfectly round but neither are they oval. And they always seem a hit with our dinner guests.
brismod - Just googled Johnson Brothers and am now of course absolutely obsessed. May have to start stalking on ebay...
Oh what a find! They'd look super in a row on a very plain painted dresser. And indeed would encourage children to clear their plates to reveal the picture.
I have to admit to contemplating a "crockery" post! But mine are mostly white and not so visually interesting. Royal Copenhagen though! Yes!!!!
I have more china than I know what to do with. I rotate things every couple months or so, but still. My husband made me promise to stop buying stuff.
That owl plate is so adorable!
Another cool pattern - and pardon the unsolicited suggestion - is J&G Meakin South Seas. Very fun, great shape and nice colours. Cheers Anita
Oh I love the owl plate. China is one of my things and I have a collection of Royal Doulton for best - but the thing is that it is so seldom used that now and then I just bring it out for me, all alone now that Mr FF is mostly in Paris.
Get the owl plate - but don't use it, hang it on the wall
brismod - you will truly be my undoing. Again, I love it!
deconstruction on the table is very much in fashio nowadays! My Limoges is stored away and I have plates and stules that I mix and remix. Love your plates.
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