Life has been frenetic lately, and there has been precious little time and space for my mind to wander. No surfing the internet, no wandering the streets of the city aimlessly, no languorous, involved cooking...a dearth of inspiration has been the result, and my apartment has begun to feel a bit cold and lifeless as well. I suppose that is what time crunch weeknight cooking and a lack of visitors will do to a place.
So I was pleasantly surprised to come across a few bookmarks I had set aside back when I had expanses of free time available...all visions of warm, well lived in homes.
Without fail my coziest times of day is breakfast. The city still feels soft in the early light, the quiet suggests the promise of the day ahead, and I get to stand, warm mug of tea in hand, alone with my thoughts or newspapers, depending on my mood. Jen Causey must be a kindred spirit, as she captures this calm, content moment every morning at her blog Simply Breakfast. I'm consistently tempted by the meals themselves (she's got me convinced that I should start eating greens in the morning after a few particularly appetizing photos), as well as the beautiful dishes the food is served on (I am seriously coveting the mug from November 16th and 17th) and the linens that accompany each meal. Each photo is the definition of a life well lived.
And given my distinctly domestic bent, it baffles me that I've gotten along so long without Remodelista, but it wasn't until relatively recently that it became a must-visit site for me. I am always swept away by their backstage tours of various hotels, inns and cannot tell me that you can resist the charms of the Cotswald home Temple Guiting Manor, now can you?

I do believe that, despite the twin beds, I would have one of the best night's sleeps of my life in this room:

Or perhaps you would prefer the Italian Alps at the Pension Briol? I adore the vaguely ramshackle but well maintained vibe of the exterior.

As winter approaches I've been considering the possibility of a new rug for the living room...somehow my sisal rug does not provide much warmth or comfort once the weather turns cold. I have turned to Woven Accents for my rug fantasies and find myself quite taken with the bird in flight.

But my odd hide obsession continues...perhaps a cowhide carpet from the fabulous Horne would be the more satisfying option? I do love their linens and textiles...why not their floor coverings?

I am salivating over that timbered ceiling. Thanks for those links, Laura.
I'm in love with that gabled apartment.
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