but I love Orange County for the fake boobs,

and Atlanta for the wigs.

Through my Housewives obsession, I came across a hysterical blog called Scented Glossy Magazines that, at least lately, is devoted entirely to witty commentary on the Housewives episodes. The woman who writes it is just...witty I guess is the best way to explain it...equally as good as the Fug Girls, which is really saying something as they are the queens of the snarky and yet sympathetic comment (my favorite kind). She belittles the evil women, calling them out for what they are, spares the sympathetic, generally good women while poking a little good natured fun at them.
Now you likely will not find this site particularly relevant if you don't follow the Housewives on a regular basis (I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't, but it does take all kinds), but if you do, Scented Glossy Magazines will have you in stitches.
1 comment:
Thank you! I bet President Obama secretly watches it--it's that good. Hooray for Bravo!
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